Nsuperman 1 1939 comic book values

As an adult, superman became the protector of earth, working at the daily planet as. This monthly comic follows the serialized adventures of the man of steel and his life in metropolis. Recent sales of this historic comic have shocked the world with incredible record prices, and the news media has. My overstreet price guide is a few years old, but it has the following. The character is of some historical significance due to a lawsuit that resulted from his only appearance. And theres no other certified copy that comes close to this one gradewise. I hear all the time, superman would just fly hulk into space.

Published in 1939, this issue was the first comic book put out by dc that was. Superman was the title of the monthly comic book featuring superman. Probably less than 100 exist and most are in terrible shape. Here is the continuation of part 3 of superman vs hulk.

View market values for books, store your collection, and meet fellow comic fans. Untitled superman story, script by jerry siegel, pencils by joe shuster, inks by dennis neville as joe shuster. Now, it all depends on which death of superman issue you are referring to, so we have values for the. The man of steel is the ultimate symbol of truth, justice, and hope. Due to the continuing popularity of superhero comic books, their worth can reach up to hundreds, even thousands of dollars. Earth bureau of investigation agents from the year 2000 arrive in the present and claim that superman is an escaped criminal from their time. Posted on january 21, 2011 by alan collecting comic books to the true aficionado is a lifetime hobby, but there comes a point in every collectors life when its time to say so long to some of your best stuff. From his blue uniform to his flowing red cape to the s shield on his chest, superman is one of the most immediately recognizable and beloved dc super heroes of all time. This website is devoted to dc comics superman, the first and best comic book superhero, who was created by jerry siegel and joe shuster. Music video by daughtry performing waiting for superman. Timely rescue text story, script by nelson edwards, art by stan kaye. Value of a 1939 superman comic book called the complete story of the daring exploits of the one and only, superman. Written and drawn by jerome siegel and joe shuster, the comic introduced superman as champion of the oppressed, the physical marvel who had. The movie is a 1978 superhero film directed by richard donner, based on the dc comics character of the same name.

When last we left our heroes superman was mightily flying hulk up into the sky. New comics newest cover scans story arcs genres creators characters beta grading guide recent value changes report missing issues. Death of superman comic book value price guide comics. This page lists prices for the first 100 issues of supermans appearances in his solo series, which began in 1939. Superman is a superhero published by dc comics since 1938. An international coproduction between the united kingdom, switzerland, panama and the united states, the film stars an ensemble cast featuring marlon brando, gene hackman, christopher reeve, jeff. Superman versus the futuremen, chapter 1, script by bill finger, pencils by wayne boring, inks by stan kaye. A year after superman hit the scene, batman made his first appearance in the. Cover pencils by ed hannigan, inks by klaus janson.

Almost any early superman comic book has value if its in reasonable condition. Record price paid for first superman comic book voice of. The better the condition, the more the book can be worth to collectors who want the ones in the best shape. Of course, a comic book is only worth what you can sell it for.

Please fill out the following form to report a missing variant issue from the database. Answered by a verified appraiser we use cookies to give you the best possible experience on our website. What could the other 21 books in the submission be. In 2010, an anonymous buyer purchased a wellpreserved copy of the 1939 comic for. Click on the news category headings below for a full list of news items available under that category. C 20 rca records, a division of sony music entertainment. The strip proved so popular that national launched superman into his own selftitled comic book, the first for any superhero, premiering with the cover date summer 1939. Raised by kindly farmers jonathan and martha kent, young clark discovers the source of his superhuman powers and moves to metropolis to fight evil. I found a superman issue 1 comic and it said it was made in 1939, is it worth anything. Daughtry waiting for superman official video youtube. The cover bears the famous if somewhat crude drawing of superman smashing a car against a rock. Age is perhaps the least accurate indicator of what makes a comic book desirable. Superman number 2 comic book fall 1939 page by page. Superman 1939 comic read superman 1939 comic online.

Moe ramboe was a twobit wrestler who used the name superman before the debut of superman, and he wants to wrestle superman. When superman saves a runaway boy from being run over by a train, he discovers the child is from an orphanage where the superintendent abuses the. Ive always found it oddinteresting that mega keys arent walkthroughs that have serial numbers ending in 001. First self titled series for a comic book superhero ever. Superman, american comic book character created for dc comics by writer jerry siegel and artist joe shuster. Superman homepage everything you ever wanted to know. As superman, he battles the villainous lex luthor, while, as novice reporter clark kent, he attempts to woo coworker lois lane written by jwelch5742.

For obvious reasons, the 1st printings of the early superman comics are very valuable, but are hard to find at garage sales, swap meets, or even collector shops because they are often in the hands of collectors. Unlike action comics, the magazine he made his smashing debut in, superman s solo magazine is not an anthology comic consisting of multiple distinct characters, instead putting the spotlight entirely on superman. Superman number 1 comic book summer 1939 is up for auction. Posted on by comics watcher 19 comments v chances are you stumbled upon this article looking for the value of the death of superman comic book you have or are interested in buyingselling. Superman returns to earth after spending five years in space examining his homeworld krypton. But he finds things have changed while he was gone, and he must once again prove himself important to the world. Some superman series are just one issue oneshots and others are longer series, such as adventures of superman. Starting in 1939, superman would continue on to 1986 when alan moores story whatever happened to the man of tomorrow. An alien named kalel from the destroyed planet krypton.

There are four basic criteria that make vintage comic books. Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive the man of steel fights a neverending battle for truth, justice, and the american way. Superman comics values and price guide heritage auctions. Value of superhero comic books super hero comics values. My grampa died, and we were cleaning out his house and my uncle gave me box full of old comics, and was going through it i notice superman issue 1 it says its 10 cents and i saw on it, it was made in 1939. The character regularly appears in comic books published by dc comics, and has been adapted to a number of radio serials, movies, and television shows superman was born on the planet krypton and was given. Its not as valuable as other superman comics but would cost as. Superman sparked the creation of an entire industry based around the exploits of masked avengers and caped vigilantes, and he remains one of the worlds most recognizable pop culture icons. Superman number 1 comic book summer 1939 page by page. I found a superman issue 1 comic and it said it was made.

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